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GI COS Study

13 March 2020 (Last updated: 13 Mar 2020 12:19)

Gastrointestinal Recovery Core Outcome Set (GI-COS): Tripartite 2020 Vision Study aims to produce an agreed core outcome set for the recovery of bowel function after gastrointestinal surgery and surgical disease to help standardise the design and reporting of studies in these important areas. The GI COS team are very keen to capture the nurse and patient perspective. Participants will be asked to complete three short surveys over the next 6 months to explore their opinions on outcomes used in research of ileus and small bowel obstruction. The surveys are simple to navigate and should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.

If you are interested, please follow this link to access some further information about the study and the people who are organising it. You will also find some directions on how to provide consent and complete the first survey.

Click here for full details