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STOPPS study: STOma formation - the Perception of Patients and Surgeons on communication

11 February 2021 (Last updated: 19 Mar 2021 08:37)

During a Delphi exercise conducted by the Association of Coloproctology Great Britain and Ireland, it was found that many patients were unsatisfied with the communication around stoma formation and felt that it was considered, and as such, discussed as a 'last resort'. 

Following on from this, we are conducting a study, funded by Bowel Disease Research UK and Ileostomy Association, examining the communication practices around stoma formation - the STOPPS study: STOma formation - the Perception of Patients and Surgeons on communication. 

On account of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are conducting our patient and public involvement exercises online. We have devised a short questionnaire to explore initial themes around the communication practices of stoma formation as perceived by patients and those around close to them.    

Questionnaire is now closed

Twitter page: @SToPPS_study